The 420km Andalucian Coast to Coast walk begins at Maro Beach near Nerja. We left at 8am in cool (12C) perfect walking conditions and immediately started climbing.

The 420km Andalucian Coast to Coast walk begins at Maro Beach near Nerja. We left at 8am in cool (12C) perfect walking conditions and immediately started climbing.
95 kilometers in 5 days of hilly beautiful Andalucia – 2600m up, 2800m down.
In five days 90 kilometers, 3400 meters climbing, 3000 meters descending.
After 255 km of the Andalucian Coast to Coast walk from Maro to Montejaque in March 2020, COVID restrictions forced us to return home. Now we’ve returned to continue to the end at Bolonia, about 170 km to go.
Jimena de la Frontera to Castillo de Castellar, Los Barrios, El Pelayo, Tarifa and the Andalucian Coast to Coast Walk comes to an end at Bolonia.
The Andalucian Coast to Coast Walk finishes at Bolonia but we continued walking to Zahara de los Atunes and then took a bus to Vejer de la Frontera.