In 2007 we walked the Via de la Plata from Sevilla as far as Zamora (click here for the photos).
It was Semana Santa (Holy Week). Our nephew James and girlfriend Clara joined us from Sweden for the 3 days we spent in Zamora before walking on.
Some more of the Pasos (floats) carried on shoulders in processions through the streets in Semana Santa. These floats are huge, and heavy, requiring 30 or more carriers.
The Hermandad de Jesús en su Tercera Caída (Brotherhood of the Third Fall of Jesus) was formed in 1942 to pray for the souls of those fallen in the Civil War. Today, on its 75th anniversary there are 1800 members.
The Hermandad Penitencial del Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte (Brotherhood of the Good Death of Christ) has about 400 members. They walk barefoot and in silence carrying Christ on the Cross. People line the streets 6 deep to view the procession which pased by our apartment. We were woken at midnight, not be the noise, but by the silence.