We continued 2km from Seongsan on Route 1 to walk all of Route 2 and about 6km of Route 3 to make 23km for the day, 6 hours.
On a dull day with showers forecast for the afternoon, we wasted no time and just beat the rain. The route meanders through the Seongsanpo Wetlands, home to hundreds of species of migratory birds, later to head inland climbing two small Oreums (volcanic cones) before returning to the coast.

With rain forecast, it was a first light departure today

Past a fish farm in the clear waters

Fluttering ribbons show the way to go

We see these birds every day, finally one stayed still

Siksanbong Island

Crossing a bridge in the Wetlands

Grandma House – first one we’ve seen

Buying mandarins from an honor stall, 3 for $1 and delicious

Wildflowers growing along the road

Temple at the Wedding Pond where Jeju’s three founding demi-gods married three princesses

The Wedding Pond is fed by springs

Waterlilly in the Wedding Pond

Great coffee and just at the right time
Distance | 14.5 km – click to download Stage 2 for Google Earth |
Accommodation | Lasania Resort (Expedia) |