Coptic Cairo
Christian Cairo.

Gateway to the hanging church.

The hanging church.

Saint George the dragon slayer.
- Posted in Cairo on January 20th, 2009
Christian Cairo.
Gateway to the hanging church.
The hanging church.
Saint George the dragon slayer.
Early morning mist over the Nile in Cairo.
Bread seller.
Detail of Ottoman window.
City walls with the Mosque minarets above the gates.
Part of the Citadel.
One of the many Mosques in Islamic Cairo.
Street market in front of a Mosque.
Sufi dancer – this guy is the leader and a real character.
Dancers accompanied by singers and drummers. This dancer twirled for half an hour without stopping and didn’t fall over after!
Brightly colored costumes – layers removed as he twirled.
This guy twirled for over 30 minutes without missing a beat and didn’t fall over afterwards! Click on the picture below to see a short movie, with sound.
Please be patient, it make take a few minutes to load. (Requires QuickTime).
Jeff is in training for his post-retirement job
Downtown Cairo