Day 41 Fri 02 May
Trying to think of nice things to say about a 20 k walk to Villadango del Páramo on hard surfaces beside the busy, noisy N120. Lovely sunny day, cool breeze on our backs?
Day 42 Sat 03 May
Only 12 kilometers of character building today but we got to walk on the other side of the N120 on the way to Hospital de Órbigo. Shortly after leaving the highway, suddenly a magnificent 19 arch medieval bridge appears. The weather was nice – in May 2001 here the temperature was over 40C and we had to stop for water every 15 minutes with a rest every 30.
Day 43 Sun 04 May
It was a lovely walk today, cool and clear, some ups and downs, different plants and flowers – 20 kilometers to the old Roman crossroads of Astorga, although little remains of the Roman occupation. We tried the typical meal called Cocida Maragatos consisting of 7 different meats, followed by chick pea and cabbage stew followed by chicken noodle soup and finished off with custard and cake. We got through about a quarter of it.